Tips for Wearing Hearing Aids and Glasses
If you wear glasses, you aren’t alone. As of 2021, there were 166.5 million US adults wearing prescription eyeglasses. It stands to reason that many people who wear glasses will, at some point, also need hearing aids. If you wear glasses and have just been prescribed hearing aids for your hearing loss, let’s take a…
What Are the Different Parts of a Hearing Aid?
Hearing aids are amazing technological devices that work by amplifying sounds to a level your ears can detect when dining out with friends at Black Sheep Restaurant. To accomplish this, there are several parts that work together. We review these parts and how they work below. Microphone The hearing aid microphone is the starting point…
Can a Bone-Anchored Hearing Device Help Those with Single-Sided Deafness?
Hearing loss comes in a wide range of types and degrees. While a particular treatment option may work for some, it may not be recommended for others. One of the most challenging types of hearing loss to treat is single-sided deafness. Some experts now suggest that bone-anchored hearing devices may be the right option. What…
Audiologists Help You Avoid the Dangers of Home Ear Impression Kits
An ear impression is a physical replica of the ear used in the making of hearing aids and hearing protection devices (HDPs). They are made by injecting a silicone-based impression material into the ear canal and external ear cavities. In order to get the best fit, you need an accurate, customized impression. Done incorrectly they…
How Harsh Summer Weather Can Harm Your Hearing Aids
Summer may be winding down, but the heat and humidity are sticking around well past Labor Day. In addition to liberally applying sunscreen to keep your skin safe and drinking excess amounts of water to avoid dehydration, you should consider taking extra precautions to ensure your hearing aids continue working well into fall. Top Hearing…